At Daxton's doctor appointment last week we learned that both his head size and weight are in the 50th percentile, while his length is in the 25th. He's a little short and Ryan likes to jokingly call him our bowling ball.
While he hated the first couple weeks of sponge bathing, Dax loves taking a real bath! He likes to hang out in the warm water and just watch Ryan and I as we clean him up and talk to him. He is so observant now and I love watching him check out his surroundings. Daxton also enjoys being naked now, although for the first few weeks he hated it! He is a pretty chill and easy going baby, Ryan and I can't believe how lucky we are! We love our little man sooo much!
This is a picture Ryan took of him after his bath last week. We love it! Dax loves to snuggle up next to us whenever he gets out of the bath, we know it's because he is cold but even when he isn't cold Daxton loves to cuddle. I spend all morning and night cuddled up with him while we are waking up and getting ready for bed!